Sunday, July 25, 2021

How to make your room soundproof

  The sound office is a vital part of a sustainable working life. To be able to create a sound office you need to consider the following:

  1. Make room for brain work - create a variation of environments
  2. For the open-plan office – focus on minimizing speech propagation
  3. For enclosed rooms – focus on speech clarity 

If you achieve this, there will be many benefits for both staff and companies, thus a sustainable workplace. Good acoustics in the office can for example:

  • Reduce adrenaline levels with 30%
  • Improve task motivation with 60%
  • Improve performance during concentration demanding tasks with up to 50%
  • Improve mental arithmetic performance with 20% 

How to make you room sound proof

 The sound office is a vital part of a sustainable working life. To be able to create a sound office you need to consider the following:

  1. Make room for brain work - create a variation of environments
  2. For the open-plan office – focus on minimizing speech propagation
  3. For enclosed rooms – focus on speech clarity 

If you achieve this, there will be many benefits for both staff and companies, thus a sustainable workplace. Good acoustics in the office can for example:

  • Reduce adrenaline levels with 30%
  • Improve task motivation with 60%
  • Improve performance during concentration demanding tasks with up to 50%
  • Improve mental arithmetic performance with 20% 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

How computer works

Hii friends 

Lets start how computer works. Click on the below provided link and get started to know because knowledge never ends